
Activities developed in two missions, first to hold a lecture at MIA Inception Workshop, in order to present lessons learned from other countries experiences in conducting the National Mercury Inventory (NMI) and a second mission to conduct extensive bilateral meetings with relevant stakeholders across the country: public and private institutions as copper mining, steel, energy and plastic/rubber industries, hospitals, and industrial professional associations in Ankara, Denizli, Izmir, Istanbul, Izmit and Sakarya. The main goal – the scope of the Treaty and its commitments, with special focus on the first NMI and the type/quality of data requested from the different sectors, in order to validate the NMI’s results, to be conducted within the framework of the MIA Exercise.

Turkey Inception Workshop Mercury Ankara.
Turkey Meeting with representative fron Ministries at the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization MoEU.


Turkey Meeting with Turkey Chemical Petroleum Rubber and Plastic Industry Employers Union KIPLAS.
Turkey Meeting with Confederation of Turkish tradesmen and Craftsmen TESK.
Turkey Workshop Mercury Ankara
Turkey Meeting with Istanbul Chemical and Chemical Products Exporters Association IKMIB.
Turkey Meeting with Copper Er Bakir Co
Turkey Meeting with Waste Treatment – Incineration and Valorization Inc. IZAYDAS
Turkey Ministry of Environment and Urbanization