The principal target of the project was on the preparation of Suriname Minamata initial Assessment and Artisanal Small-Scale goldmining National Action Plan (NAP)” under the “Suriname Minamata Initial Assessment and ASGM National Action Plan.
Other related activities were oriented to exchange of experience in environmental management with an study tour (a country visit) to Chile with special focus on waste management, quality assurance and quality control of collected data and strengthening national analytical capacities, both in hazardous waste management and air quality control.
Suriname map.
Suriname national flag.
Suriname artisanal gold mining.
Paramaribo church.
Awareness raising activities.
Mercury inventory training.
Data collection training.
Field activities in gold mining areas.
Chinese gold miners in Suriname.
Chinese own method for gold mining in Suriname.
Private control in large-scale gold mining in Suriname.
Brazilian gold miners in Suriname.
Anton de Kom University, environmental laboratory, Paramaribo.
Anton de Kom University, environmental laboratory, Paramaribo.